In John 16, Jesus says to his disciples, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). I have personally read this verse more than once in my 10 years as a believer, and it was not until a day ago that its power really hit me. Suddenly, it made sense! I began to think, how many of our men stress, worry, and try to control their situations as a way of survival? How many of us, me included, spend countless hours trying to fix situations on our own because we are passionate about helping others, and we don’t want the worst to happen? Even in the best of times, we worry about people, places, and things and we feel powerless to see ourselves or others through a situation. But right here in John 16:33, Jesus provides us a way. Jesus makes sense of our troubles and offers us peace, because he has overcome the WORLD!!! I see our men struggle financially and relationally, and struggle to find employment after felonies and stability after brokenness. I see them fight to survive and make things right again. I see them so powerless over situations that are not theirs, but God’s. If Jesus can overcome the world, then he can and will see us through our troubles. We don’t need to worry, stress, complain, strive, or solve it ourselves. We just need to remember that he–King of Kings, the Way, the Truth, and the Life–is big enough to overcome the world, and therefore is big enough to walk alongside you and me and see us through! If Jesus can overcome the world we too, can overcome our troubles.
-Opal Hatfield Jobs of Hope Case Manager
